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Dining Room Lighting Ideas Low Ceilings: Cool Varieties to Consider

Dining Room Lighting Ideas Low Ceilings: Cool Varieties to Consider

cFor some people, customizing their home or building it from the ground up is not a choice. They acquire a home and have to live in it under the same conditions that it was built in. Sometimes that happens to play out as a disadvantage to the new homeowners. Possibly, one of the most irksome issues faced by such people is low ceilings. But not to worry there are many dining room lighting ideas low ceilings that are here to save your day and make your home look quite the opposite of what you perceive it to be.

Three in a Row

Placing 3 hanging bulbs right above your dinner table will help in reducing the crampedness of the space between your ceiling and table and thus giving off the perception that the lights are actually low not the ceiling

One Big Chandelier

Placing one big statement chandelier right in the middle of your dinner table will help in widening the space you have by a simple trick of the light.

White Ceiling Lights

Fixing the lights right into the ceiling instead of opting for hanging lighting options will brighten up the atmosphere substantially and give an illusion of a bigger dining space.

Big Lights, Tiny Lights

When bringing a variety together this creates a distraction away from the low ceilings and looks awesome in every way. The tiny lights can be fixed in the ceiling while the big ones can be in any form of your liking; chandeliers, hanging bulbs…etc.